Tuesday, April 5, 2011

WASHINGTON D.C. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am in Washington DC  with no luggage yet... everone else got theirs so IM wearing my durty sweats and Aubrey's shirt and scarf....heading to the AIR IN SPACE MUSEUM! I half to go bye!
   <3 Hal


  1. SUCKS! I know i am still in my sweats and new byu sweatshirt. Nice spelling!! haha you know i still love ya and knowing you don't take that the wrong way!:) Rob and Elyse AND ROSSSSSSSSSSSS are coming tomorrow(friday) but then leaving saturday morning to sunday night to robs parents, but then they are coming back for a week!!!! yah!!!!! WE NEED TO HANG OUT SO U CAN HOLD HIM!!!!!! when do u get back?

  2. I get back on sunday! (NIGHT)I got my luggage though :) I am having SO much fun! I am exited so FINALY se the B family! (ross + fam)
    MISS U
    <3 HAl
